EEBA values your relationship with us and understands how important privacy is to you. The following information is provided to you so that you may understand how your contact information is used. It is important that you know that you have choices about how we use this information.

What We Collect

When you purchase a service or product from EEBA we may request some basic information such as your name, contact information, and profession within the industry. Periodically we ask you to participate in surveys to help us track the effectiveness of our services or to assist us in evaluating trends and interest within the industry. All of this information helps us better meet our mission and improve our programs.

Information Sharing

We share contact information with companies we have selected as partners in providing support to EEBA and our programs. This includes partners who support our mission through financial sponsorship of programs and events. Our contracts with these partners require them to keep the information strictly confidential, and allow them to use the information only to offer agreed upon services to our database. We review the company's compliance on a regular basis. Finally, we may release our mailing list to educational partners to provide you with information on upcoming events, conferences and other industry related educational venues.

Third Party Technologies

Our organization also collects usage information with Google Analytics and Tag Manager in order to assess how users access and utilize the site. This data is valuable to us for various internal purposes, including troubleshooting and improving the site's functionality.

The Choice is Yours

We respect your choice to request that your personal information not be released. If this is your choice, you can contact our office as specified below. You should then stop receiving EEBA partner mailings in about six to eight weeks. You will continue to receive information directly from EEBA regarding new programs and services.

Contacting Us

To have your name blocked from distribution to anyone outside the EEBA organization please contact us at:

1410 E. 100th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55425
612.325.5719 fax: 952.881.3048