HP Building Envelope

Air Sealing - The Foundation of High Performance Homes

Consumers are more aware of their options and they demand better homes. Air sealing lies at the heart of any successful building, addressing 3 of the 4 major risk controls (vapor, air flow, and thermal controls).

Instructor: Paul Springer

Airtight, Done Right: Simple and Efficient Strategies

Since the 1990s residential buildings have shown dramatic and consistent improvement in their energy efficiency: Average energy use per square foot is down substantially, and so are average energy use per household and average energy use per household member. How do we account for this extraordinary progress, and what can architects do to continue to improve energy efficiency in residential architecture?

Instructor: Christine Williamson

Architectural Details of the Control Layers

This is where the building science rubber meets the architect’s road. Steve uses his many high-performance projects to show how high performance is translated into actual assemblies, with real materials, and with tried-and-true project management done cooperatively with the architect and builder. 

Instructor: Steve Baczek

Better Energy Efficiency from the Ground Up

Although below-grade waterproofing and insulation are out of sight, they are integral to a building’s thermal performance. While there are countless steps you can take to make homes more energy efficient, starting from the ground up is the best approach.

Instructor: Mark LaLiberte

Building Science Foundation: Keeping Our Homes Safe and Sound

The building science principles forming the foundation for high performance are how heat moves, how moisture moves, and how the two always work together. 

Instructor: Peter Yost

Certified SIP Master Builder Course

This 10-part course is provided in partnership with the Structural Insulated Panel Association (SIPA), and is the first step in joining a prestigious group of builders who are changing the landscape for high performance, advanced building envelope construction.

Instructor: Al Cobb

Dry Basements: A Builder's Success Story

Building Science Deconstructed is a learning series hosted by Dörken Systems Inc. featuring some of the industry's most sought-after building science experts.

Instructor: Gord Cooke

EEBA Academy Building Envelope Sample Courses

Energy Code - Module 5: Insulation Installation Requirements

This class will discuss mandatory and prescriptive insulation requirements in the IECC, as well as the building science rationale for these requirements.

Instructor: Joe Nebbia

Energy Code - Module 6: Air Sealing Requirements

This class will discuss the air sealing requirements of the IECC, all of which are mandatory, as well as some new flexibility added in the 2021 IECC.  

Instructor: Joe Nebbia

High Performance Insulated Rooflines

This webinar begins with an overview of building science issues and concepts as they pertain to the roof/ceiling portion of the building thermal envelope. Merits of insulated ceilings and rooflines will be discussed so that participants may apply this knowledge to conditioned attics and vaulted ceilings.

Instructor: Mike Barcik

High-Performance Homes - A Simpler Design Strategy

Building and energy codes are pushing builders beyond traditional minimum code wood-framed construction into a more building science-oriented ‘high-performance’ home that requires testing for verification to meet specific standards.

Instructor: Tom Patton

Houses That Work Course: Modules

In order to earn the EEBA High Performance Building Professional Designation, one must take and pass:

  • Houses That Work
  • High Performance Mechanicals
  • HERS Associate
Instructor: Gord Cooke
CEUs: 5 AIA LU|HSW credits, 4.5 NARI credits, 5 RESNET PD credits, and 2.25 BPI credits, 4.5 NAHB credits

Options for Balanced Ventilation & Tighter Envelopes

We've all heard that we need to "Build Tight and Ventilate Right," but do we have the approaches that we need that are cost competitive, bring sales opportunities, and are beneficial to resiliency, comfort, and IEQ? In this webinar, we’ll briefly cover why it’s important to use balanced ventilation in tighter homes, but we will then move on to the most common strategies for getting each component right. 

Instructor: Dan Wildenhaus

Over or Under? The Best Options for Installing Both a WRB and Continuous Exterior Insulation

Adding continuous exterior insulation is recognized in the building code as an option for residential structures; and building science supports its use. Unfortunately, few manufacturers provide the details of how to incorporate both a WRB and the insulation with install instructions. This presentation will include detailed installation instructions for any wrap and foam wall assembly.

Instructor: William Ranson

Pre-Drywall Inspections & Testing

In this webinar, we will teach attendees about the specifics of pre-drywall inspections and testing. We will discuss the value of third-party pre-drywall inspections and testing for builders and raters, and how they can result in reduced callbacks. We will also examine how this aspect of the rating process has become increasingly important for consistency and defensibility for builders who choose an ERI Path for code compliance.

Instructor: Michael Arblaster

Selecting Healthy Insulation and Air Sealants

Energy, climate, materials, and health: What is the connection? And why is it important? Insulation and air sealing are two cost-effective ways to increase the energy efficiency of a home. However, the chemicals that are found in some of these products or used during their production can negatively impact the health of the people who manufacture and install products, as well as those who ultimately live in these buildings. We need a better system of policies and regulations that are protective of human health, but for now, we need professionals equipped with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about the materials they use. Building professionals who specify and install materials have the opportunity to make significant impacts on health and the environment by choosing healthier materials.

Instructor: Rebecca Stamm, Roberto Valle Kinloch

The "Perfect Storm" is here. Protect yourself with the right building envelope.

The built environment has been stagnant in terms of innovation for years. Suddenly, there is a perfect storm brewing forcing change amongst our industry's influencers. The trifecta of escalating material costs, skilled labor shortages, and increasing energy code requirements have combined at once to post a challenge that builders, architects, and engineers are scrambling to address. The good news is the AEC industry can combat this "perfect storm" by optimizing one key component of the building system - and that is the Building Envelope. This presentation will address what elements matter most in the envelope, what solutions exist for envelopes to combat the "perfect storm" and discuss the advantages of offsite/prefabricated vs. site framed building envelope systems.

Instructor: Loren Groeschl
CEUs: 1 LU|HSW AIA, 1 BPI, 1 NAHB, 1 NARI, and 1 RESNET credits

The Building Envelope is a Building System

To understand the interaction between the building envelope and mechanical systems, it is important to consider the building envelope as a complete system itself.

Instructor: Theresa Weston

Tips for Installing a Weather Resistive Barrier

Samantha Kambo is a field development specialist at DuPont with a focus on Multifamily Construction, which involves answering inquiries related to the industry. Prior to this role, she worked in Sales for Commercial Construction. Keenan Watson is a field development specialist at DuPont. His primary focus is on the residential side, along with anything roofing-related.

Instructor: Samantha Kambo, Keenan Watson

What is a High-Performance Home and How to Consistently Deliver It at Lower Cost

Once homebuyers purchase new homes often based on infatuation with community and design, bad home performance experiences can negate all the hard work earning customer satisfaction. It is critical to get high-performance right. This course begins that process with lessons-learned from decades of experience as a residential architect and work with thousands of home builders while serving as national director for ENERGY STAR Certified Home and Zero Energy Ready Home. The resulting framework for high performance homes includes five key strategies and over 40 best practices for applying them with substantial cost savings. Most importantly, this framework has been intensively researched, vetted, and refined over five years with hundreds of housing industry executives. The goal is not to dogmatically impose one solution for all, but to engage housing professionals to high-performance as a journey and how to get on their own path. 

Instructor: Sam Rashkin

Electrification & Decarbonization

"Walk the Wok" in the Year of the Ox: An "Electric" Chinese New Year Cooking and Ventilation Celebra

Chef Rachelle Boucher of Kitchens to Life cooks her favorite Chinese New Year dishes as two of the top experts in Indoor Air Quality bring a fresh perspective to traditional cooking and the vital role of ventilation in today's homes.

Instructor: Rachelle Boucher, Brady Seals, Alex Siow

140% AFUE is Coming – Introducing Thermal Heat Pumps

New Thermally-driven Heat Pumps (THPs) have been developed as a packaged solution to provide both space heating and domestic hot water, achieving an equivalent of 140% AFUE in both lab and field environments and represent a new product category for residential space heat, being built by multiple manufacturers.

Instructor: Jason LaFleur

All Electric & Fossil Fuel Free: The Ultimate Z.E.N. Home

As climate change drives code advancement, learn how the Ultimate Z.E.N. Home eliminates the use of fossil fuels in a production-built home. 

Instructor: Rich Binsacca, Jack Armstrong, Sam Rashkin, Karla Butterfield, & Bill Rectanus

Building Smart & Sustainable Homes in the New Energy Landscape

Residential energy is changing quickly with new mandates, greater demand for electricity and an aging infrastructure. Home builders today are meeting these challenges in new ways to build homes of the future today. With new strategies and solutions, home builders are building not just smart homes, but homes with smart, sustainable, resilient energy.

Instructor: Brad Wills

Electric Buildings - A Path to Healthier People + Planet

The planet is in trouble and its human occupants don’t fare much better as rates of cancer, asthma, infertility and obesity increase. Consideration for systems, materials and finishes with low embodied, as well as operational carbon is critical. 

Instructor: Karla Butterfield

Heat Pump Water Heaters in the All-Electric Home - Builders share their experience

  • Installing HPWHs in new, all-electric homes.
  • Why builders are installing and love HPWH.
  • What are the benefits and challenges of installing HPWH in new homes? 
  • Are builders modifying their home designs to fit and take advantage of HPWH?
  • What are homeowners saying when they buy homes with HPWHs? 
  • Any lessons that can be applied to installing HPWHs in existing homes?
Instructor: Juan Fernandez, Leigha Dickens, Geoff Wickes

How to Cut Your Heating & Electric Bill and Carbon Footprint to Zero, by Someone Who Has Done It

This free webinar will help you to save a lot of money and cut your carbon footprint. In addition, all attendees will receive a free electronic version of David Green's highly-acclaimed book Zero Carbon Home.

Instructor: David Green

Inspiring Homebuyers and Building Owners to Demand Net-Zero Energy and Zero Emission Homes/Buildings

Net-zero energy and zero emission homes/buildings are being built ALL across the U.S., and yet so many buyers either don’t know this level of performance, including optimized comfort and minimized maintenance, is within their grasp. Our panelists on this episode are helping to dispel these misunderstandings.

Instructor: Paul Kriescher, Paul Hutton, David Takahashi

Net Zero Energy and Battery Storage in the Ultimate Z.E.N. Home

The Ultimate Z.E.N. Home features a 7.8 kWh rooftop solar array as a standard feature to help achieve net-zero energy goals. But instead of selling surplus electricity back to the local utility as energy credits, an innovative battery storage system scaled for single-family keeps it on site.

Instructor: Rich Binsacca, Sam Rashkin, Bill Rectanus, Adam Weinstein, Dennis Helblig, & Nathan Kahre

Overcoming PG&E’s Public Safety Power Shutoffs with Solar+Storage

This presentation will provide testimonials of customers in California’s fire zones who were able to overcome the PSPS events with solar+storage.

Instructor: Aric Saunders

Plug In, Turn On & Cook Up: Electric Kitchens Have Arrived!

Confusion about all-electric building codes and cooking options got you turned off? Get plugged in to an empowering event with code-clarifying, myth-busting details that will turn you on to electric cooking for life with better cooking performance, safer, healthier homes and a sustainable planet.

Instructor: Rachelle Boucher, Karla Butterfield, & Aaron Smith

Reno on Rockridge Case Study

This 1924 Colonial home had fallen into severe disrepair before coming up for sale. As part of the muchneeded renovation, the new homeowners (two Steven Winter Associates, Inc. employees) wanted to eliminate onsite combustion and produce as much of their operating electricity as possible. Other goals included lower embodied energy materials and a healthy indoor environment. LEED v4.1 for Homes offered one platform to address energy, health, and materials. The home was gutted down to the foundation, framing, and floors before the year-long renovation. After the first 8 months of occupancy (July-February), the home produced 14% more energy than it consumed.

Instructor: Aaron Smith, Maureen Mahle, Steve Klocke

Revolutionizing Clean Energy Design in Residential Buildings

Join sonnen and EEBA for a presentation on how new smart, energy management technology is revolutionizing residential design and enabling a cleaner, more sustainable energy future. 

Instructor: Geoff Ferrell

Take Control of Your Electricity Bills with Home Energy Storage

There are hundreds of technologies available on the market today that are designed to "green" your home. However, a new market is emerging that takes home energy management to the next level: energy storage. 

Instructor: Aric Saunders

Where Are We Headed with Home Electrification?

Many countries, including the US, are seeking ways to decrease current carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to respond to the concerns about global warming. Electrification of homes is a key strategy in transitioning to renewable energy sources and reducing CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels. LBNL recently completed a study that surveyed the deep retrofits of more than 1,500 homes across the US. The findings identify emerging trends in deep energy retrofit projects and we outline where changes are occurring most rapidly, such as electrification, decarbonization, advancing heat pump technologies, smart controls, and new program designs.

Instructor: Brennan Less, Iain Walker, Nuria Casquero-Modrego
CEUs: 1 LU|HSW AIA, 1 BPI, 1 NAHB, 1 NARI, and 1 RESNET credits

Building Science

Air Sealing - The Foundation of High Performance Homes

Consumers are more aware of their options and they demand better homes. Air sealing lies at the heart of any successful building, addressing 3 of the 4 major risk controls (vapor, air flow, and thermal controls).

Instructor: Paul Springer

Airtight, Done Right: Simple and Efficient Strategies

Since the 1990s residential buildings have shown dramatic and consistent improvement in their energy efficiency: Average energy use per square foot is down substantially, and so are average energy use per household and average energy use per household member. How do we account for this extraordinary progress, and what can architects do to continue to improve energy efficiency in residential architecture?

Instructor: Christine Williamson

Architectural Details of the Control Layers

This is where the building science rubber meets the architect’s road. Steve uses his many high-performance projects to show how high performance is translated into actual assemblies, with real materials, and with tried-and-true project management done cooperatively with the architect and builder. 

Instructor: Steve Baczek

Better Energy Efficiency from the Ground Up

Although below-grade waterproofing and insulation are out of sight, they are integral to a building’s thermal performance. While there are countless steps you can take to make homes more energy efficient, starting from the ground up is the best approach.

Instructor: Mark LaLiberte

Building Science Foundation: Keeping Our Homes Safe and Sound

The building science principles forming the foundation for high performance are how heat moves, how moisture moves, and how the two always work together. 

Instructor: Peter Yost

Dry Basements: A Builder's Success Story

Building Science Deconstructed is a learning series hosted by Dörken Systems Inc. featuring some of the industry's most sought-after building science experts.

Instructor: Gord Cooke

Energy Code - Module 2: Window and Insulation Tables (Climate Zones 1 and 2)

This class will discuss code requirements found in the prescriptive window and insulation requirements and how these requirements have changed through various code editions (2009-2021). The audience will learn how to interpret the tables, understand different insulation types that comply and explore innovative examples. The class will discuss how the code tables are intended to control conductive heat flow, and will explain how the code treats concepts like "effective R-value" and U-value. The class will also discuss flexibility allowed through different compliance options within the prescriptive compliance path. This module will cover IECC Climate Zones 1 and 2 while other modules will cover other climate zones.

Instructor: Joe Nebbia

Energy Code - Module 5: Insulation Installation Requirements

This class will discuss mandatory and prescriptive insulation requirements in the IECC, as well as the building science rationale for these requirements.

Instructor: Joe Nebbia

Energy Code - Module 6: Air Sealing Requirements

This class will discuss the air sealing requirements of the IECC, all of which are mandatory, as well as some new flexibility added in the 2021 IECC.  

Instructor: Joe Nebbia

Energy Code - Module 7: Ducts, HVAC, Hot Water, and Lighting

This class will explain mandatory and prescriptive requirements related to duct installation, insulation, sealing, and testing, as well as requirements for heating, cooling, and hot water systems and controls. 

Instructor: Joe Nebbia

Energy Code - Module 8: Performance path options (R405 and R406), and additional efficiency path opt

This class will explain how to use the various performance path options in the IECC (Section R405 and R406) – their structure, the flexibility allowed in each, and the limitations of each.

Instructor: Joe Nebbia

Heat Pump Water Heaters in the All-Electric Home - Builders share their experience

  • Installing HPWHs in new, all-electric homes.
  • Why builders are installing and love HPWH.
  • What are the benefits and challenges of installing HPWH in new homes? 
  • Are builders modifying their home designs to fit and take advantage of HPWH?
  • What are homeowners saying when they buy homes with HPWHs? 
  • Any lessons that can be applied to installing HPWHs in existing homes?
Instructor: Juan Fernandez, Leigha Dickens, Geoff Wickes

HERS Associate Course

In order to earn the EEBA High Performance Building Professional Designation, one must take and pass:

  • Houses That Work
  • High Performance Mechanicals
  • HERS Associate
Instructor: Mike Barcik
CEUs: 6.25 total AIA, 3.77 total BPI, 6.25 total NARI, & 5 total NATE credits

High Performance Insulated Rooflines

This webinar begins with an overview of building science issues and concepts as they pertain to the roof/ceiling portion of the building thermal envelope. Merits of insulated ceilings and rooflines will be discussed so that participants may apply this knowledge to conditioned attics and vaulted ceilings.

Instructor: Mike Barcik

High Performance Mechanicals for Houses That Work

In order to earn the EEBA High Performance Building Professional Designation, one must take and pass:

  • Houses That Work
  • High Performance Mechanicals
  • HERS Associate
Instructor: Gord Cooke
CEUs: 4 AIA LU|HSW, 2 BPI, 4 RESNET, 4 NATE, 4 NARI & 4 NAHB credits

High Performance Zero Energy Home Design

High performance zero energy homes provide many benefits including cost savings, energy resiliency, durability, comfort, and sustainable operation. While these types of homes have been built for a long time, the knowledge of how to build them has historically been kept by few. Now with increasingly stringent building codes across the U.S., driven by long-term energy policy and growing demands on the energy grid, all builders and implementers need to know how to build high performance. 

Instructor: Alea German

High-Performance Homes - A Simpler Design Strategy

Building and energy codes are pushing builders beyond traditional minimum code wood-framed construction into a more building science-oriented ‘high-performance’ home that requires testing for verification to meet specific standards.

Instructor: Tom Patton

House as a System – A Holistic Approach (Part 2)

Webinar 3 concludes our review of the 11 critical steps involved in building a house as a ‘system.’ We look at managing occupant comfort and indoor air quality through system design by addressing such topics as building a better basement wall, reducing the A/C size, and creating greater comfort in the house by the windows we select, to name a few.

Instructor: Doug Tarry

Houses That Work Course: Modules

In order to earn the EEBA High Performance Building Professional Designation, one must take and pass:

  • Houses That Work
  • High Performance Mechanicals
  • HERS Associate
Instructor: Gord Cooke
CEUs: 5 AIA LU|HSW credits, 4.5 NARI credits, 5 RESNET PD credits, and 2.25 BPI credits, 4.5 NAHB credits

How to Cost-Effectively Build Zero Energy Homes

In order to earn the EEBA Zero Energy Building Professional Designation, one must take and pass:

  • Houses That Work
  • High Performance Mechanicals
  • HERS Associate

PLUS this course, How to Cost-Effectively Build Zero Energy Homes

Instructor: Bruce Sullivan

Inspiring Homebuyers and Building Owners to Demand Net-Zero Energy and Zero Emission Homes/Buildings

Net-zero energy and zero emission homes/buildings are being built ALL across the U.S., and yet so many buyers either don’t know this level of performance, including optimized comfort and minimized maintenance, is within their grasp. Our panelists on this episode are helping to dispel these misunderstandings.

Instructor: Paul Kriescher, Paul Hutton, David Takahashi

Mainstreaming Modular High-Performance Homes: Research, Collaboration, & Best Practices of Building

The three-part, 90-minute webinar will be moderated by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Industrialized Construction Innovation (ICI) team and aims to focus on knowledge dissemination from ongoing research, collaboration opportunities, and best practices thriving at the intersection of advance building science and advanced building construction to deliver affordable high-performance homes. 

Instructor: Trish Cozart, Shanti Pless, Ankur Podder, Stacey Rothgeb, David Schultz

Over or Under? The Best Options for Installing Both a WRB and Continuous Exterior Insulation

Adding continuous exterior insulation is recognized in the building code as an option for residential structures; and building science supports its use. Unfortunately, few manufacturers provide the details of how to incorporate both a WRB and the insulation with install instructions. This presentation will include detailed installation instructions for any wrap and foam wall assembly.

Instructor: William Ranson

Pre-Drywall Inspections & Testing

In this webinar, we will teach attendees about the specifics of pre-drywall inspections and testing. We will discuss the value of third-party pre-drywall inspections and testing for builders and raters, and how they can result in reduced callbacks. We will also examine how this aspect of the rating process has become increasingly important for consistency and defensibility for builders who choose an ERI Path for code compliance.

Instructor: Michael Arblaster

Rainscreens: A Builder’s Experience

Do you know how a properly installed rainscreen makes your building envelope more durable? In the first part of this webinar, Peter Barrett of Dorken Systems will look at how rainscreens work to add drainage and drying capacity to a typical residential wall. In the second part, Chris Donatelli of Donatelli Builders will discuss the real-life building and renovation of a home in Chicago.

Instructor: Peter Barrett, Chris Donatelli
CEUs: 1 LU AIA credit

Site Supervisor Designation: Modules

The EEBA Site Supervisor Designation covers how the knowledge, processes, and best practices gained from building science apply to site supervisors for residential construction projects.

Instructor: Theresa Gilbride, Rick Wertheim
CEUs: 4.5 LU AIA, 2.25 BPI, & 3 RESNET credits

Tips for Installing a Weather Resistive Barrier

Samantha Kambo is a field development specialist at DuPont with a focus on Multifamily Construction, which involves answering inquiries related to the industry. Prior to this role, she worked in Sales for Commercial Construction. Keenan Watson is a field development specialist at DuPont. His primary focus is on the residential side, along with anything roofing-related.

Instructor: Samantha Kambo, Keenan Watson

What is a High-Performance Home and How to Consistently Deliver It at Lower Cost

Once homebuyers purchase new homes often based on infatuation with community and design, bad home performance experiences can negate all the hard work earning customer satisfaction. It is critical to get high-performance right. This course begins that process with lessons-learned from decades of experience as a residential architect and work with thousands of home builders while serving as national director for ENERGY STAR Certified Home and Zero Energy Ready Home. The resulting framework for high performance homes includes five key strategies and over 40 best practices for applying them with substantial cost savings. Most importantly, this framework has been intensively researched, vetted, and refined over five years with hundreds of housing industry executives. The goal is not to dogmatically impose one solution for all, but to engage housing professionals to high-performance as a journey and how to get on their own path. 

Instructor: Sam Rashkin

What is the Future of Housing with Certainty and How Will it Affect High-Performance Homes?

Virtually every major industry has experienced, or is in the process of experiencing, disruption. Think retail, personal transportation, automobiles, computing, music, photography, media, and the list goes on and on. Housing in the U.S. has been able to sit on the sidelines with its first cost dominated business model and uniquely disaggregated industry…but not for much longer. That’s because there are five crises driving four innovations that will disrupt an industry totally resistant to change. A certainty by simply connecting the dots. Understanding these changes and preparing for them will be critical for all high-performance housing professionals. Will you be ready?

Instructor: Sam Rashkin

Whole House Mechanical Ventilation Options

This one-hour webinar explains requirements for mechanical ventilation for single-family homes and options for code compliance. The class will also explore best practice options by climate zone and will discuss common ventilation installation mistakes.

Instructor: Matt Evans

High Performance HVAC

140% AFUE is Coming – Introducing Thermal Heat Pumps

New Thermally-driven Heat Pumps (THPs) have been developed as a packaged solution to provide both space heating and domestic hot water, achieving an equivalent of 140% AFUE in both lab and field environments and represent a new product category for residential space heat, being built by multiple manufacturers.

Instructor: Jason LaFleur

A Whole New World – ENERGY STAR + HVAC Grading

Ever since the launch of Version 3 in 2010, the HVAC design and commissioning requirements have been the biggest hurdle between a standard HERS rating and an ENERGY STAR certified home. Taking all the lessons learned, EPA, RESNET, and ACCA have recently completed a new HVAC grading standard that will integrate many of these requirements into the HERS rating process. 

Instructor: Dean Gamble

Adding Automated Shading to the High Performance Toolkit: HVAC, Health & Wellness, and High Tech

Most builders think of window attachments like shades and blinds as nothing more than decorative features that the homeowner will add when they move in. Think again. New research from the U.S. Department of Energy shows that insulated shades can cut heating and cooling costs by as much as 10% to 25%, respectively, especially if they are raised and lowered at the right times of the day and season. In addition to lowering utility bills, window attachments can also cut glare, improve indoor comfort, and occupant well-being.

Instructor: Katie Cort and Shannon Christie

Checking Your Work: Properly Installed HVAC in High-Performance Homes

Many AC's and heat pumps are installed with faults that impact both their performance and efficiency. Come to this session to learn about a new RESNET/ACCA/ANSI standard with three simple field tests that can help a builder ensure they’re getting what they’ve paid for.

Instructor: Dean Gamble & Greg Cobb

Cold Climate Air Source Heat Pump Strategies

You've heard about cold climate air source heat pumps (ccASHP). Maybe you've seen a few installed. Let's look at some pros and cons of using this technology in challenging climate conditions. From a new construction perspective, we will discuss strategies for system design, installation, and operation.

Instructor: Shawn LeMons

Cold-Climate ASHPs - Real World Performance Data and Case Studies

This presentation first discusses the ASHP research, including performance and capacity results, lessons learned, and experiences from over five years of detailed data monitoring from ASHP field installs.

Instructor: Isaac Smith & Phil Anderson

Energy Code - Module 7: Ducts, HVAC, Hot Water, and Lighting

This class will explain mandatory and prescriptive requirements related to duct installation, insulation, sealing, and testing, as well as requirements for heating, cooling, and hot water systems and controls. 

Instructor: Joe Nebbia

Heat Pump Application & Design

This webinar will focus on sizing and application best practices for variable capacity heat pumps in new construction and low load spaces. We will briefly review fundamentals of heat pump capabilities and product types. We will also review basics of load reports in order to have a solid foundation for a discussion on heat pump applications.

Instructor: Kimberly Llewellyn

Heat Pump Water Heaters in the All-Electric Home - Builders share their experience

  • Installing HPWHs in new, all-electric homes.
  • Why builders are installing and love HPWH.
  • What are the benefits and challenges of installing HPWH in new homes? 
  • Are builders modifying their home designs to fit and take advantage of HPWH?
  • What are homeowners saying when they buy homes with HPWHs? 
  • Any lessons that can be applied to installing HPWHs in existing homes?
Instructor: Juan Fernandez, Leigha Dickens, Geoff Wickes

High Performance Mechanicals for Houses That Work

In order to earn the EEBA High Performance Building Professional Designation, one must take and pass:

  • Houses That Work
  • High Performance Mechanicals
  • HERS Associate
Instructor: Gord Cooke
CEUs: 4 AIA LU|HSW, 2 BPI, 4 RESNET, 4 NATE, 4 NARI & 4 NAHB credits

How Can Low-Cost IAQ Monitors Benefit Builders and Contractors

These gadgets just won't disappear! They are becoming more popular with occupants and contractors. This session will provide an overview on what they can monitor, how to get the data and what can they integrate with inside the home. 

Instructor: Joe Medosch

Humidity in Hindsight – Dialing in on a New Vision for Moisture Control

Controlling moisture is a major component for controlling indoor air quality. The first step is to keep the water out. EPA’s Indoor airPLUS Program starts with bulk moisture management, but there are other key factors to consider with regard to moisture control.

Instructor: Paul Raymer, David Treleven, Nikki Krueger

HVAC Fault Detection and Diagnostics – Options for Offering Homeowners Worry-Free Heating and Coolin

In this interactive session, we'll provide an overview of available fault detection and diagnostics technologies, and give you a chance to provide your thoughts on how these technologies might help you offer a more compelling product to your homebuyers. In addition, we'll introduce the DOE's Residential HVAC Smart Diagnostic Tool Campaign and the support and recognition homebuilders can receive from participating in the campaign.

Instructor: Christian Valoria, Walter Hunt
CEUs: 1 LU|HSW AIA, 1 BPI, 1 NAHB, 1 NARI, and 1 RESNET credits

Infiltration vs. Ventilation vs. Manual J

This session points out how infiltration and ventilation are not the same, and among other things can be used to grossly oversize HVAC systems if we are not on the same page as our trade partners.

Instructor: Robby Schwarz

The Dripping Point: High Performance Homes + Energy Efficient HVAC Systems = Increased Risk of Moist

Tightly air-sealed, well-insulated buildings combined with energy efficient HVAC systems and increased ventilation rates are key components of a comfortable and healthy high performance home. But, unfortunately, no good deed goes unpunished. We will discuss the building science perspective on the "new normal" and the challenges that architects and builders now must face in order to deal with these effectively.

Three's A Crowd: Energy Efficiency, Humidity and Ventilation in Humid Climate Zones

Fresh air is our friend, but excess humidity is not. In this webinar we will discuss solutions for managing humidity within the building envelope as both a result of ventilation and the living habits of the eventual occupants.

Instructor: Joseph Hillenmeyer

Ventilation and Air Sealing's Impact on Indoor Air Quality

Through the DOE Building America program, GTI, the University of Illinois, and MEEA are studying the impact that strategic air sealing and the introduction of supply and exhaust ventilation has on energy consumption and indoor air quality.

Instructor: Jason LaFleur, Paul Francisco

Whole House Mechanical Ventilation Design and Installation as Though Health Matters

This presentation will cover problems and solutions for residential whole-house mechanical ventilation systems (WHMV). Research has shown that homes intended to have WHMV are often under-ventilated. There will be a focus on design, measurement and verification.

Instructor: Chuck Withers

Building Healthier Homes

A Cost-Effective Path to Healthy, Affordable, Net Zero Housing with DOE’s ZER Program

In this presentation, we’ll show how affordable home builders like United Way of Long Island, along with production, custom, and multifamily builders across the country, are building healthy, durable, energy-efficient homes that are achieving remarkably high performance and low Home Energy Rating System scores – with a program average of HERS 43 without PV and HERS 6 with PV.

Instructor: Terrence Mosley, Rick Wertheim, & Theresa Gilbride

All Electric & Fossil Fuel Free: The Ultimate Z.E.N. Home

As climate change drives code advancement, learn how the Ultimate Z.E.N. Home eliminates the use of fossil fuels in a production-built home. 

Instructor: Rich Binsacca, Jack Armstrong, Sam Rashkin, Karla Butterfield, & Bill Rectanus

Best Practices to Achieve Radon Resistant New Homes

This webinar will review the key concerns and options for building new homes to achieve the lowest possible radon concentrations, including current codes and standards.

Instructor: Brian Hanson & Bruce Snead

Building Smart & Sustainable Homes in the New Energy Landscape

Residential energy is changing quickly with new mandates, greater demand for electricity and an aging infrastructure. Home builders today are meeting these challenges in new ways to build homes of the future today. With new strategies and solutions, home builders are building not just smart homes, but homes with smart, sustainable, resilient energy.

Instructor: Brad Wills

Casas que Funcionan: Examen (SPANISH)

Este es el componente de examen del "Casas Que Funcionan: Módulos".

Este curso describe la física de la ciencia de la construcción del flujo de aire, calor y humedad que todo constructor debe conocer para comprender por qué algunos edificios funcionan y otros no. El curso abordará los elementos críticos del rendimiento del hogar que existen como un sistema y son parte de los hogares energéticamente eficientes. Se describirán y aplicarán los fundamentos de la ciencia de la construcción para ayudar a los participantes a tomar mejores decisiones con respecto a los materiales y métodos de construcción. Los participantes también aprenderán información importante sobre la calidad del aire interior, incluidos los conceptos básicos del moho y otras fuentes contaminantes, y estrategias rentables para poder ofrecer entornos interiores más saludables.

Objetivos de aprendizaje:

  • Conozca los elementos de las casas de alto rendimiento y cómo ayudan a responder al cumplimiento del código y los muchos cambios en la industria de la construcción residencial, así como las expectativas de los consumidores.
  • Comprenda los fundamentos del flujo de aire, calor y humedad y vea cómo se pueden aplicar para tomar mejores decisiones sobre materiales y métodos.
  • Identificar los cambios en el proceso de construcción necesarios para implementar viviendas de alto rendimiento de manera rentable.
  • Identificar los fundamentos de la ciencia de la construcción y cómo los constructores pueden utilizar la ciencia para resolver una amplia gama de problemas de construcción, mejorar el rendimiento de la casa y reducir los riesgos.
  • Comprenda los conceptos básicos del diseño de HVAC para reducir las facturas de servicios públicos y crear hogares más silenciosos, saludables y cómodos.

Casas que Funcionan: Módulos (SPANISH)

This course is currently under development

Changing Our Paradigm: 4 Principles of Modern Design

Doug Tarry is President of Doug Tarry Ltd., an award winning, leading home building company in southwestern Ontario, Canada. Having built and labeled more Net Zero / Net Zero Ready homes than any other builder in Canada, Doug is currently developing a book called "From Bleeding Edge to Leading Edge: A Builders’ Guide to Net Zero Homes." This webinar will provide an overview Doug’s book and delves into what he believes are the 4 principles of modern design.

Instructor: Doug Tarry
CEUs: 1 LU AIA credit

Designing for Health in the Home - The Importance of Indoor Air Quality

As societal forces shift, new buying behaviors emerge and consumers are becoming more educated about the place they call home. Builders must also shift the way homes and communities are designed and built. High Performance Homes, in particular, are in demand, but must be designed differently to perform at levels which meet or exceed homeowner expectations.

Instructor: John McKeon

Future Proof Healthy Home Strategies with Panasonic and Swidget

Panasonic and Swidget have combined forces to empower your homes to monitor, assess, and optimize the healthy home and a multitude of other home automation possibilities.  

Instructor: Justin Arghittu, Russell Pope

Health in the Ultimate Z.E.N. Home

The Ultimate Z.E.N. Home is designed to set a new standard for health in the home. Learn about EPA Indoor airPLUS and how the Ultimate Z.E.N. Home builds on this foundation to address COVID, with whole house HEPA filtration and optimum humidity to shorten the life of the pathogen on surfaces.

Instructor: Rich Binsacca, Bill Rectanus, Nick Hurst, Joseph Hillenmeyer, & Russell Pope

Healthier Homes Awareness for Building Professionals Certification

We are excited to share with you an opportunity that EEBA is spearheading alongside Allergy Standards, Ltd, Construction Instruction, and Trane Technologies.

Instructor: Gord Cooke and Dr. John McKeon
CEUs: 7 AIA LU|HSW, 3.5 BPI, 7 NARI, 7 NAHB, and 7 RESNET credits

Healthier Homes or Healthy Home Washing?

This webinar will cover marketing strategies and upgrades that builders can provide to buyers that actually make the home "healthier" - than one that does not have these installations. Joe will cover the basic concept of healthier products and installations and how you can avoid liability of overpromising.

Instructor: Joe Medosch

Healthy Home Practices: COVID 19 and Beyond

Learn how to build and utilize a home to provide health to occupants plus essential steps you should be taking to start improving your home's living spaces.

Instructor: Caroline Blazovsky

Healthy vs. Healthier Homes

A subject of conversation amongst builders as we come out the back end of the COVID era, is how we build healthier homes.  The reality, however, is that much of what builders are currently doing is already creating a healthy home. Most just don’t know how to talk about it and/or market it. In this podcast style live conversation join Joe Medosch, Healthy Building Scientist at Hayward Score, and Robby Schwarz, BUILDTank, for a conversation on Healthy or Healthier Homes.  We will explore all the great things builders are already doing and how to communicate those things to buyers. Then we will move forward to what is next that could make our home healthier.

Instructor: Joe Medosch, Robby Schwarz
CEUs: 1 LU|HSW AIA, 1 BPI, 1 NAHB, 1 NARI, and 1 RESNET credits

Heat Pump Water Heaters in the All-Electric Home - Builders share their experience

  • Installing HPWHs in new, all-electric homes.
  • Why builders are installing and love HPWH.
  • What are the benefits and challenges of installing HPWH in new homes? 
  • Are builders modifying their home designs to fit and take advantage of HPWH?
  • What are homeowners saying when they buy homes with HPWHs? 
  • Any lessons that can be applied to installing HPWHs in existing homes?
Instructor: Juan Fernandez, Leigha Dickens, Geoff Wickes

High Performance All-Electric Home Design and Construction for Cold Climates

This webinar will review market-ready and innovative technology options for all-electric homes in cold climates. The class will discuss building envelope options as well as HVAC and water heating solutions.

Instructor: Matt Evans

House as a System – A Holistic Approach (Part 1)

Webinars 2 and 3 explore the 11 critical steps involved in building a house as a ‘system.’ Customer comfort is paramount and we have to consider how the client will use their home. We must ask ourselves one simple question: “Am I making the homeowner’s life easier or harder?" Webinar 2 looks at how to avoid improper planning and design from the outset, both of which can impact the entire home and create costly errors and rework.

Instructor: Doug Tarry

How Can Low-Cost IAQ Monitors Benefit Builders and Contractors

These gadgets just won't disappear! They are becoming more popular with occupants and contractors. This session will provide an overview on what they can monitor, how to get the data and what can they integrate with inside the home. 

Instructor: Joe Medosch

Owning and Living in a High-Performance Home

When it comes to understanding the components and benefits of high-performance homes, learning through experience is one of the best approaches. In this “Better Homes, Better Future” podcast, hear from Greg Davenport, a performance construction manager at Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC US, and Andy Barrett, a high-performance builder representing Toolbox NW, who also happens to use one of his builds as a second home. The pair will join host Aaron Smith to talk about what it’s actually like to own and live in one of these homes.

Instructor: Greg Davenport, Andy Barrett

Reno on Rockridge Case Study

This 1924 Colonial home had fallen into severe disrepair before coming up for sale. As part of the muchneeded renovation, the new homeowners (two Steven Winter Associates, Inc. employees) wanted to eliminate onsite combustion and produce as much of their operating electricity as possible. Other goals included lower embodied energy materials and a healthy indoor environment. LEED v4.1 for Homes offered one platform to address energy, health, and materials. The home was gutted down to the foundation, framing, and floors before the year-long renovation. After the first 8 months of occupancy (July-February), the home produced 14% more energy than it consumed.

Instructor: Aaron Smith, Maureen Mahle, Steve Klocke

Selecting Healthy Insulation and Air Sealants

Energy, climate, materials, and health: What is the connection? And why is it important? Insulation and air sealing are two cost-effective ways to increase the energy efficiency of a home. However, the chemicals that are found in some of these products or used during their production can negatively impact the health of the people who manufacture and install products, as well as those who ultimately live in these buildings. We need a better system of policies and regulations that are protective of human health, but for now, we need professionals equipped with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about the materials they use. Building professionals who specify and install materials have the opportunity to make significant impacts on health and the environment by choosing healthier materials.

Instructor: Rebecca Stamm, Roberto Valle Kinloch

Smart, Connected Indoor Air Quality with Broan Overture

Homeowners are more concerned than ever about their indoor air quality. Quality builders are looking for ways to meet this growing demand for healthier homes with smart ventilation systems that can not only exhaust bad air and bring in fresh air but do it efficiently.

Instructor: Patrick Nielsen, Jim Bohn

The New Normal - Delivering Healthy Air in Every Home We Build

The Coronavirus pandemic has created a new world; a new way of living, a new way of doing business, and a new way we think about health, safety and the air we breathe. This presentation will walk you through the product categories and applications that exist to create healthier environments in both ordinary times and adjust them during unique situations like we see today.

Instructor: John Bloemer

Three's A Crowd: Energy Efficiency, Humidity and Ventilation in Humid Climate Zones

Fresh air is our friend, but excess humidity is not. In this webinar we will discuss solutions for managing humidity within the building envelope as both a result of ventilation and the living habits of the eventual occupants.

Instructor: Joseph Hillenmeyer

US - RISE Communicating Your Healthier Homes Advantage

The demand for more sustainable homes and buildings has never been higher. Millions of homeowners are implementing energy efficiency upgrades to save money, lower their carbon footprint, and make their homes more comfortable and healthy places to live. Residential building professionals that can talk to the next generation of health-conscious and planet-conscious consumers will be the ones to outlast their competitors.

In this course, residential building professionals will learn how to talk to clients about how your product or service aligns with their values. Gain practical digital marketing tips for turning informed homeowners into paying customers.

Instructor: Rise

US - Rise Fundamentals of Sustainable Homes

The Fundamentals of Sustainable Homes online course by Rise explores the different building standards that go above code and strategies to make a home more comfortable and energy-efficient. 

Instructor: Rise
CEUs: 3 LU|HSW AIA credits, 1.5 BPI credits, 3 NAHB credits, 3 NARI credits & 3 RESNET credits.

US - RISE Healthy Homes

In this course, residential building professionals will learn how to recognize and understand healthy home elements.

Instructor: Rise
CEUs: 3 LU|HSW AIA credits, 1.5 BPI credits, 3 NAHB credits 3 NARI credits & 3 RESNET credits.

Voice of the Builder: DOE Zero Energy Ready Home Builders Share their Secrets for Cost-Effective Hig

Zero Energy Ready Homes can save a bundle for their home owners and they don’t have to break the bank for home builders either. This presentation includes lessons learned from builders across the country who are building award-winning production, custom, affordable, and multi-family homes that achieve remarkably high performance levels, in some cases at little extra cost compared to code construction.

Instructor: Theresa L. Gilbride, Terrence Mosley

What are Asthma & Allergies

Asthma and Allergies impact a staggering 50% of US households. Many indoor triggers are causing medical challenges. Dr John teaches us the triggers of asthma and allergies within the home and how to talk about it. We examine the lack of regulation in this area and the confusion this brings to home owners. Finally we look at how to mitigate against these common allergens and have better, more productive conversations with your customers on this topic.

Instructor: Dr. John McKeon

What is a High-Performance Home and How to Consistently Deliver It at Lower Cost

Once homebuyers purchase new homes often based on infatuation with community and design, bad home performance experiences can negate all the hard work earning customer satisfaction. It is critical to get high-performance right. This course begins that process with lessons-learned from decades of experience as a residential architect and work with thousands of home builders while serving as national director for ENERGY STAR Certified Home and Zero Energy Ready Home. The resulting framework for high performance homes includes five key strategies and over 40 best practices for applying them with substantial cost savings. Most importantly, this framework has been intensively researched, vetted, and refined over five years with hundreds of housing industry executives. The goal is not to dogmatically impose one solution for all, but to engage housing professionals to high-performance as a journey and how to get on their own path. 

Instructor: Sam Rashkin

What Is a High-Performance Home?

This special Team Zero episode explores the current and evolving definitions of high-performance homes, their components, and how they affect global populations. For this episode, we are joined by Ken Johnson, Senior Manager of Performance Construction at Mitsubishi Electric  Trane US and Rich Williams, Vice President of Alliance Green Homes. The discussion tackles the growing topic of the role that Indoor Air Quality plays in the construction and maintenance of high-performance homes. Listeners will learn about the critical green certification programs related to energy efficiency, and how they can move towards creating a high-performance home.

Instructor: Ken Johnson, Rich Williams

What's Next for High Performance Homes?

This panel will introduce the EEBA / ProBuilder Ultimate ZEN All Electric Home and discuss its key features, the hurdles encountered, and key points of buyer acceptance. This will lead into a discussion on what is next in high performance building, ways to get there, and an example of one unique builder and energy rater partnership designed to take on the question of "What's next and how do we get there?"

Instructor: Bill Rectanus, Steve Byers, Seth Hart, Sandy Stegall, David Kendall
CEUs: 1 LU AIA, 1 BPI, 1 NAHB, 1 NARI, and 1 RESNET credits

Who holds the keys to a Healthier Home? What doors appear locked? Who are the key makers?

This session will cover the key elements to a healthier home. Is it the designer, builder, sub-contractors, H/AC contractors, Rater/Advisors Code officials, product manufacturers, and/or the occupants? No surprise here, it's a combination. Let's pick the locks and discuss the various roles each key holder has in creating common failures (unhealthy conditions) and current successes that open the doors to a healthier home.

Instructor: Joe Medosch

Heat Pump Technology

140% AFUE is Coming – Introducing Thermal Heat Pumps

New Thermally-driven Heat Pumps (THPs) have been developed as a packaged solution to provide both space heating and domestic hot water, achieving an equivalent of 140% AFUE in both lab and field environments and represent a new product category for residential space heat, being built by multiple manufacturers.

Instructor: Jason LaFleur

Cold Climate Air Source Heat Pump Strategies

You've heard about cold climate air source heat pumps (ccASHP). Maybe you've seen a few installed. Let's look at some pros and cons of using this technology in challenging climate conditions. From a new construction perspective, we will discuss strategies for system design, installation, and operation.

Instructor: Shawn LeMons

Heat Pump Application & Design

This webinar will focus on sizing and application best practices for variable capacity heat pumps in new construction and low load spaces. We will briefly review fundamentals of heat pump capabilities and product types. We will also review basics of load reports in order to have a solid foundation for a discussion on heat pump applications.

Instructor: Kimberly Llewellyn

Heat Pump Water Heaters in the All-Electric Home - Builders share their experience

  • Installing HPWHs in new, all-electric homes.
  • Why builders are installing and love HPWH.
  • What are the benefits and challenges of installing HPWH in new homes? 
  • Are builders modifying their home designs to fit and take advantage of HPWH?
  • What are homeowners saying when they buy homes with HPWHs? 
  • Any lessons that can be applied to installing HPWHs in existing homes?
Instructor: Juan Fernandez, Leigha Dickens, Geoff Wickes

Indoor Air Quality

"Walk the Wok" in the Year of the Ox: An "Electric" Chinese New Year Cooking and Ventilation Celebra

Chef Rachelle Boucher of Kitchens to Life cooks her favorite Chinese New Year dishes as two of the top experts in Indoor Air Quality bring a fresh perspective to traditional cooking and the vital role of ventilation in today's homes.

Instructor: Rachelle Boucher, Brady Seals, Alex Siow

Approaches for Effective Isolation Space Control to Minimize Airborne Transmission of Contaminants i

If a person sharing a home with others is infected with a virus, how can I prevent it from spreading to other members of the household? Existing evidence strongly suggests that viral infectious diseases can be transmitted via an airborne route across distances in indoor environments. Accordingly, sharing indoor space in the presence of infected individuals poses a major risk in the transmission of the disease. This webinar will present several low-cost, easy-to-implement control strategies to potentially mitigate the airborne transmission of infectious aerosols in a single-family house.

Instructor: Dr. Tanvir Khan

Best Practices to Achieve Radon Resistant New Homes

This webinar will review the key concerns and options for building new homes to achieve the lowest possible radon concentrations, including current codes and standards.

Instructor: Brian Hanson & Bruce Snead

Complete Radon Mitigation

Building codes are steadily increasing the requirements for building envelope airtightness, along with mechanical ventilation. One aspect that is critical in tighter building construction is the need for maintaining a healthy indoor air environment.

Instructor: Randy Nicklas

COVID-Safe Ventilation and Airflow Strategies for Homes and Other Buildings

In October, the CDC acknowledged that the SARS-CoV-2 virus can be spread by airborne transmission of lightweight aerosol particles that can remain suspended in the air over long distances and time. In this online meeting, Bill Warren will discuss how we can use building science principles to reduce our exposure risk to COVID aerosols inside homes and other building types.

Instructor: Bill Warren

Designing for Health in the Home - The Importance of Indoor Air Quality

As societal forces shift, new buying behaviors emerge and consumers are becoming more educated about the place they call home. Builders must also shift the way homes and communities are designed and built. High Performance Homes, in particular, are in demand, but must be designed differently to perform at levels which meet or exceed homeowner expectations.

Instructor: John McKeon

Future Proof Healthy Home Strategies with Panasonic and Swidget

Panasonic and Swidget have combined forces to empower your homes to monitor, assess, and optimize the healthy home and a multitude of other home automation possibilities.  

Instructor: Justin Arghittu, Russell Pope

Health in the Ultimate Z.E.N. Home

The Ultimate Z.E.N. Home is designed to set a new standard for health in the home. Learn about EPA Indoor airPLUS and how the Ultimate Z.E.N. Home builds on this foundation to address COVID, with whole house HEPA filtration and optimum humidity to shorten the life of the pathogen on surfaces.

Instructor: Rich Binsacca, Bill Rectanus, Nick Hurst, Joseph Hillenmeyer, & Russell Pope

Healthier Homes Awareness for Building Professionals Certification

We are excited to share with you an opportunity that EEBA is spearheading alongside Allergy Standards, Ltd, Construction Instruction, and Trane Technologies.

Instructor: Gord Cooke and Dr. John McKeon
CEUs: 7 AIA LU|HSW, 3.5 BPI, 7 NARI, 7 NAHB, and 7 RESNET credits

Healthy Home Practices: COVID 19 and Beyond

Learn how to build and utilize a home to provide health to occupants plus essential steps you should be taking to start improving your home's living spaces.

Instructor: Caroline Blazovsky

High Performance Mechanicals for Houses That Work

In order to earn the EEBA High Performance Building Professional Designation, one must take and pass:

  • Houses That Work
  • High Performance Mechanicals
  • HERS Associate
Instructor: Gord Cooke
CEUs: 4 AIA LU|HSW, 2 BPI, 4 RESNET, 4 NATE, 4 NARI & 4 NAHB credits

How Can Low-Cost IAQ Monitors Benefit Builders and Contractors

These gadgets just won't disappear! They are becoming more popular with occupants and contractors. This session will provide an overview on what they can monitor, how to get the data and what can they integrate with inside the home. 

Instructor: Joe Medosch

Humidity in Hindsight – Dialing in on a New Vision for Moisture Control

Controlling moisture is a major component for controlling indoor air quality. The first step is to keep the water out. EPA’s Indoor airPLUS Program starts with bulk moisture management, but there are other key factors to consider with regard to moisture control.

Instructor: Paul Raymer, David Treleven, Nikki Krueger

Indoor Air Quality Sensors Test Method

With increased focus on health and indoor air quality, the industry has seen a boom of low-cost indoor air quality sensor systems that measure a variety of pollutants and other substances. These sensors are being using in a wide array of applications, often being included in consumer IAQ feedback devices, and even sometimes being used to control demand-responsive ventilation. Newport and HVI will share the technical work performed to develop these standards as well as the future of industry efforts to bring certification of IAQ sensor systems to the market.

Instructor: Joe Nebbia, Matt Matheny

Indoor Air Quality: System Approach for a Post-Covid Future

This presentation addresses the challenges and opportunities associated with providing healthy indoor spaces going forward into a post-COVID future. The presentation discusses filtration, ultraviolet light, and hydro-peroxides as different methods for cleaning air, as well as various products available on the market today. The authors discuss and quanitify their conclusion that a system approach is needed using a combination of all three methods in order to provide the healthiest indoor air quality possible, which will be able to heavily mitigate or even eliminate the risks associated with airborne viruses in indoor spaces.

Instructor: Ted Konechne, Aaron Holden
CEUs: 1 LU|HSW AIA, 1 BPI, 1 NAHB, 1 NARI, and 1 RESNET credits

Indoor airPLUS Version 2 Reaches for the Sky: New Opportunities for Healthier Multifamily Buildings

This session will examine Indoor airPLUS Version 2 and attendees will have a chance to preview these changes and learn how to provide valuable feedback to EPA as the program continues to evolve to improve IAQ in this growing sector.

Instructor: Nick Hurst, Gayathri Vijayakumar, Karla Butterfield

Indoor Pathogens

In this course we delve into the statistics, medical language and how to talk to customers in a relatable way. We learn about gasses, particles and biologicals and conduct basic conversations about these hazards. Brief punchy videos not only to understand more about pathogens such as Coronavirus. But how to control the impact of pathogens within a building.

Instructor: Dr. John McKeon

Kicking Gas! Going All-Electric for the Health of Your Family and the Earth

"Decarbonization" and "electrification" are becoming household words in some parts of the country. This presentation will demystify these terms, covering the motivations, benefits, and nuts and bolts of making the switch -- transitioning mixed-fuel homes to 100% electricity. If you have concerns about indoor air quality, resiliency, or the changing climate, there's something for you in this webinar.

Instructor: Ann Edminster

Plug In, Turn On & Cook Up: Electric Kitchens Have Arrived!

Confusion about all-electric building codes and cooking options got you turned off? Get plugged in to an empowering event with code-clarifying, myth-busting details that will turn you on to electric cooking for life with better cooking performance, safer, healthier homes and a sustainable planet.

Instructor: Rachelle Boucher, Karla Butterfield, & Aaron Smith

Selecting Healthy Insulation and Air Sealants

Energy, climate, materials, and health: What is the connection? And why is it important? Insulation and air sealing are two cost-effective ways to increase the energy efficiency of a home. However, the chemicals that are found in some of these products or used during their production can negatively impact the health of the people who manufacture and install products, as well as those who ultimately live in these buildings. We need a better system of policies and regulations that are protective of human health, but for now, we need professionals equipped with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about the materials they use. Building professionals who specify and install materials have the opportunity to make significant impacts on health and the environment by choosing healthier materials.

Instructor: Rebecca Stamm, Roberto Valle Kinloch

Smart, Connected Indoor Air Quality with Broan Overture

Homeowners are more concerned than ever about their indoor air quality. Quality builders are looking for ways to meet this growing demand for healthier homes with smart ventilation systems that can not only exhaust bad air and bring in fresh air but do it efficiently.

Instructor: Patrick Nielsen, Jim Bohn

The New Normal - Delivering Healthy Air in Every Home We Build

The Coronavirus pandemic has created a new world; a new way of living, a new way of doing business, and a new way we think about health, safety and the air we breathe. This presentation will walk you through the product categories and applications that exist to create healthier environments in both ordinary times and adjust them during unique situations like we see today.

Instructor: John Bloemer

Three's A Crowd: Energy Efficiency, Humidity and Ventilation in Humid Climate Zones

Fresh air is our friend, but excess humidity is not. In this webinar we will discuss solutions for managing humidity within the building envelope as both a result of ventilation and the living habits of the eventual occupants.

Instructor: Joseph Hillenmeyer

Ventilation and Air Sealing's Impact on Indoor Air Quality

Through the DOE Building America program, GTI, the University of Illinois, and MEEA are studying the impact that strategic air sealing and the introduction of supply and exhaust ventilation has on energy consumption and indoor air quality.

Instructor: Jason LaFleur, Paul Francisco

Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality in New US Homes: Preliminary Observations from a Building America

Energy-efficient new homes that are built tight require appropriately sized bath and kitchen exhaust and whole house mechanical ventilation (WHMV) systems to enable good indoor air quality. ASHRAE Standard 62.2 specifies minimum airflow rates and requires verification, but there is a lack of data on installed system performance and operation and their relationship to indoor air quality in occupied homes. This session will present early findings from an ongoing Building America research study that has gathered data on mechanical ventilation systems, indoor air quality parameters, and house and household characteristics from 180+ occupied homes in CA, CO, FL, GA, IL, OR, and SC.

Instructor: Rengie Chan, Eric Martin, Paul Francisco, Chrissi Antonopoulos
CEUs: 1 LU|HSW AIA, 1 BPI, 1 NAHB, 1 NARI, and 1 RESNET credits

What are Asthma & Allergies

Asthma and Allergies impact a staggering 50% of US households. Many indoor triggers are causing medical challenges. Dr John teaches us the triggers of asthma and allergies within the home and how to talk about it. We examine the lack of regulation in this area and the confusion this brings to home owners. Finally we look at how to mitigate against these common allergens and have better, more productive conversations with your customers on this topic.

Instructor: Dr. John McKeon

What’s New with Indoor airPLUS Version 2: What Builders and Verifiers Need to Know

Unfortunately, because of the recent need to stay at home, many of us have also been subjected to increased exposure to sources of poor indoor air quality (IAQ). With the recent surge of consumer awareness about health, along with advancements in energy efficiency and building codes over the last two decades, our industry is recognizing that healthier indoor air is a significant attribute that requires thoughtful design and execution.

Instructor: Nick Hurst, Paul Raymer

Marketing and Real Estate


Selling High Performance Homes

Empower homebuyers to make informed decisions with EEBA’s popular Selling High Performance Homes session focused on communicating the value, comfort and importance of high performance and energy efficient homes. The session will be of interest to builders, new home sales professionals, real estate agents, appraisers, manufacturers’ representatives and housing program or utility personnel.

Instructor: Gord Cooke
CEUs: 4 LU AIA credits, 4 NAHB credits, 4 RESNET credits, and 4 NARI credits

Builder-Provided Extended Warranties and Service Plans: Business Opportunity or Bad Idea?

Join Todd Usher from Addison Homes in an interactive discussion on the pros and cons of builder-backed extended warranties along with some preliminary Clemson University consumer research focused on the subject.

Instructor: Todd Usher

Building Better Promotions with the Right Tools and Elevating Your Facebook Strategy

Tired of investing money in promotions that just don’t seem to do the trick? Have you dabbled with Facebook, but just can’t quite elevate your page to match your goals? Invest an hour in this session to hear how to select the best promotional tools for your company. 

Instructor: Connie Reinert

Coronavirus & Systemic Changes in the Housing Industry

There are many unknowns swirling around the Coronavirus right now, but one thing is certain: there will be long-term system changes in the housing sector that will place new demands on building professionals and manufacturers alike. 

Instructor: Sara Gutterman

Dun Today: Enabling the Home as a Service Business Model

Dun Today Founder Ty Udell discusses Home-as-a-Service and the Market Transitions on the horizon for Custom and Hi-Volume builders alike. Ty dives into the “app based consumer,” next generation client engagements, and new revenue streams enabled by the transition to Home-as-a-Service.

Instructor: Ty Udell

Essential Market Trends to Grow your Business

In this session, Green Builder Media CEO Sara Gutterman will reveal the latest market intelligence gathered by COGNITION Smart Data, offering deep insights into consumer preferences that will enable you to improve your marketing, sales, product development, and competitive positioning.

Instructor: Sara Gutterman

Inspiring Homebuyers and Building Owners to Demand Net-Zero Energy and Zero Emission Homes/Buildings

Net-zero energy and zero emission homes/buildings are being built ALL across the U.S., and yet so many buyers either don’t know this level of performance, including optimized comfort and minimized maintenance, is within their grasp. Our panelists on this episode are helping to dispel these misunderstandings.

Instructor: Paul Kriescher, Paul Hutton, David Takahashi

KEYNOTE: Builder to a Brand – How to Successfully Market Your Firm Through Social Media

Learn how to use social media as tools to better your brand. 

Instructor: Brad Leavitt

KEYNOTE: Pivot!, Catching Customers and Mastering Change

Catching Customers and Mastering Change

Instructor: Tim Costello

Marketing to a Changed Market

The COVID-19 crisis is causing homeowners to re-evaluate their needs and wants in a home. That will likely be good news for the high performance home building community.

Instructor: Suzanne Shelton

Permanent Changes to Home-building Post Pandemic

This session brings together a panel that includes an architect, a builder, a developer, a finance person, and a marketer to explore what we "know" and what we think we know about the effects of the pandemic on the home-building eco-system. 

Instructor: Steve Byers, Nathan Kahre, & Suzanne Shelton

Planning for Results - Best Practices That You Can Apply to Your Business

Companies in the building industry are under increased pressure to drive sales growth and ROI, even with elevated costs for materials, labor, and the like. How can you methodically develop the right strategic, business, and / or marketing plans to meet these challenges, while ensuring you engage and align key stakeholders along the way?

Instructor: David Bernardino

Sales & Marketing of the Ultimate Z.E.N Home

The Ultimate Z.E.N. Home is designed to meet the challenges of healthy living, working and learning from home, carbon free living, net zero energy and battery energy storage. This session covers how the home responds to the COVID home buyer’s desire for safety and security while living in a state-of-the-art home.

Instructor: Rich Binsacca & Panelists

Selling the Value of Above-Code Programs

It isn't crazy to say that common expectations people have of the place they call home are centered on peace of mind benefits such as safety, health, comfort, efficiency, and affordability. How do you make purchasing your home the easiest and most confident choice for your buyers?

Instructor: Jala Curtis, Rusty Buick

Strategies from Top EEBA Builders on Managing Through Crisis

COVID-19 not only puts high performance builders up against marketing through a downturn, it also forces you to deal with the very real supply chain, worker availability and health-related shut-downs brought on by this particular crisis. Join Gene Myers of Thrive Home Builders, Tim O'Brien of Tim O'Brien Homes, and Dennis Webb of Fulton Homes as they discuss how they are managing their businesses during this challenging time.

Instructor: Gene Myers, Tim O'Brien, Dennis Webb

The Sales Culture of Homebuilding

"Nothing happens until it's sold." - Ira A. Fulton, founder and Chairman of Fulton Homes, Tempe, AZ. Every homebuilder must have a sales culture, where sales is the epicenter of the company and really mean it and where war is declared on anything that gets in the way of sales.

Every builder should have Unique Selling Propositions where you have items or concepts that you promote that sets you apart from other builders. Most of you have energy efficiency and healthy homes that you promote that do set you apart from the others. How do you tell the story of Energy Efficiency and Healthy homes? Learn tips from 6 time IAP Leader award, and 2 time IAP Leader of the Year award winner.

Instructor: Dennis Webb
CEUs: 1 LU AIA, 1 BPI, 1 NAHB, 1 NARI, and 1 RESNET credits

US - Rise Fundamentals of Sustainable Homes

The Fundamentals of Sustainable Homes online course by Rise explores the different building standards that go above code and strategies to make a home more comfortable and energy-efficient. 

Instructor: Rise
CEUs: 3 LU|HSW AIA credits, 1.5 BPI credits, 3 NAHB credits, 3 NARI credits & 3 RESNET credits.

US - RISE Healthy Homes

In this course, residential building professionals will learn how to recognize and understand healthy home elements.

Instructor: Rise
CEUs: 3 LU|HSW AIA credits, 1.5 BPI credits, 3 NAHB credits 3 NARI credits & 3 RESNET credits.

US - Rise Sustainable Real Estate Professional

The Rise Sustainable Real Estate Professional accredited online course provides real estate professionals with a competitive advantage by being able to identify and communicate the benefits of sustainable homes in the market. In 2016, the Shelton Group conducted a survey that found 81% of people who expect to buy a new home in the next two years say higher energy efficiency would cause them to choose one home over another and that they would be willing to pay more for a healthier home. In this 3-hour course, learn to increase buyer demand for healthy, energy efficient, and comfortable homes.

Instructor: Rise

Voice of the Builder: DOE Zero Energy Ready Home Builders Share their Secrets for Cost-Effective Hig

Zero Energy Ready Homes can save a bundle for their home owners and they don’t have to break the bank for home builders either. This presentation includes lessons learned from builders across the country who are building award-winning production, custom, affordable, and multi-family homes that achieve remarkably high performance levels, in some cases at little extra cost compared to code construction.

Instructor: Theresa L. Gilbride, Terrence Mosley

What Really Matters

Suzanne Shelton, EEBA board member and CEO of Shelton Group, will share her firm’s latest findings and recommendations, pulling from their ongoing Pulse studies, as well as surveys conducted for members of the EEBA Builder Benchmark groups and digital marketing work performed for high performance builders.

Instructor: Suzanne Shelton


Certified SIP Master Builder Course

This 10-part course is provided in partnership with the Structural Insulated Panel Association (SIPA), and is the first step in joining a prestigious group of builders who are changing the landscape for high performance, advanced building envelope construction.

Instructor: Al Cobb

SIPA BEST Program - Basic SIP Design and Engineering

SIPschool founder Al Cobb introduces structural insulated panels (SIPs). Topics include the early and recent history of SIPs, the anatomy of a SIP, common applications of SIPs, and SIP manufacturing.

Instructor: Al Cobb

SIPA BEST Program - Common Objections for SIP Designs

SIPschool founder and longtime SIP distributor Al Cobb explores how to sell SIPs. Topics include how best to discuss price, and how to persuasively overcome various objections that prospective clients may have.

Instructor: Al Cobb

SIPA BEST Program - Integrating Mechanical Systems with SIPs

In this lesson, SIPschool founder Al Cobb explains on how to integrate mechanical systems into a SIPs project. Topics include working with mechanicals trades, HVAC analysis and how to control pressure conditions that can lead to backdrafting of combustion appliances.

Instructor: Al Cobb

SIPA BEST Program - Introduction to SIPs

SIPschool founder Al Cobb introduces structural insulated panels (SIPs). Topics include the early and recent history of SIPs, the anatomy of a SIP, common applications of SIPs, and SIP manufacturing.

Instructor: Al Cobb

SIPA BEST Program - SIP Building Science

Building science concerns the flow of energy and moisture through buildings. In this lesson, SIPschool founder Al Cobb examines the building science behind SIPs.

Instructor: Al Cobb

SIPA BEST Program - SIP Finish Materials and Detailing

This training video outlines how to apply finish materials and properly detail SIP projects. Topics include siding choices and fastening procedures, window and door installation and back-ventilation techniques.

Instructor: Al Cobb

SIPA BEST Program - SIP Layout and Panel Installation

This lesson provides an overview on how to install SIPs. Topics include tools and techniques, site management and how to tailor the SIP installation to each specific project.

Instructor: Al Cobb

SIPA BEST Program - SIP Layout Drawings

This lesson gives an overview of panel layout drawings. Topics include the purposes of panel layout drawings and the review process.

Instructor: Al Cobb

SIPA BEST Program - SIP Order Process

SIPschool founder Al Cobb presents how to thoroughly and efficiently plan a SIP project, including topics such as estimating and quoting costs and services, finding panel suppliers and the writing specifications for panels to suit the needs of a project.

Instructor: Al Cobb

SIPA BEST Program - SIP Site Planning and Coordination

In this lesson, SIPschool founder Al Cobb discusses key information for planning and coordinating a SIP jobsite. Topics include best practices, safety, panel delivery and material handling equipment.

Instructor: Al Cobb

SIPs in Commercial Design

This course will discuss the benefits of commercial building design with structural insulated panels (SIPs), including energy savings, waste minimization and other sustainable contributions. The designer will gain a better understanding of how to properly utilize SIPs.

Instructor: Al Cobb

SIPs in Residential Design

This course will explain the benefits of designing with structural insulated panels (SIPs) for residential applications. The designer will gain a better understanding of application, assembly and detailing in order to properly utilize SIPs for optimum energy efficiency and durability. Through case studies and design strategies, the designer will walk away from the course with a better understanding of designing for current industry standards with SIPs.

Instructor: Al Cobb

Solar and Energy Storage

High Performance Zero Energy Home Design

High performance zero energy homes provide many benefits including cost savings, energy resiliency, durability, comfort, and sustainable operation. While these types of homes have been built for a long time, the knowledge of how to build them has historically been kept by few. Now with increasingly stringent building codes across the U.S., driven by long-term energy policy and growing demands on the energy grid, all builders and implementers need to know how to build high performance. 

Instructor: Alea German

Net Zero Energy and Battery Storage in the Ultimate Z.E.N. Home

The Ultimate Z.E.N. Home features a 7.8 kWh rooftop solar array as a standard feature to help achieve net-zero energy goals. But instead of selling surplus electricity back to the local utility as energy credits, an innovative battery storage system scaled for single-family keeps it on site.

Instructor: Rich Binsacca, Sam Rashkin, Bill Rectanus, Adam Weinstein, Dennis Helblig, & Nathan Kahre

Overcoming PG&E’s Public Safety Power Shutoffs with Solar+Storage

This presentation will provide testimonials of customers in California’s fire zones who were able to overcome the PSPS events with solar+storage.

Instructor: Aric Saunders

Revolutionizing Clean Energy Design in Residential Buildings

Join sonnen and EEBA for a presentation on how new smart, energy management technology is revolutionizing residential design and enabling a cleaner, more sustainable energy future. 

Instructor: Geoff Ferrell

Take Control of Your Electricity Bills with Home Energy Storage

There are hundreds of technologies available on the market today that are designed to "green" your home. However, a new market is emerging that takes home energy management to the next level: energy storage. 

Instructor: Aric Saunders

Workforce Development

Benefits and Strategies to Hire and Retain Veterans

The National Veterans Chamber serves both the individual Veteran and the organizations that support our Veterans and military families. Veterans and military families are able to access resources to find jobs, start a business, and obtain advice in current employment. Employers benefit by accessing resources to help them create a welcoming military-friendly workplace, free training programs and access tax benefits when hiring military Veterans.

Instructor: Joseph Molina and Rene Carter

Building the Future of Energy Efficient Buildings Through Workforce Development

How do we ensure healthy, energy efficient buildings are part of the future built environment? How can we ensure we have enough qualified workers to make efficiency upgrades possible at scale in our current buildings? By training a workforce that is empowered and passionate about designing, constructing, and operating high-performance buildings and installing energy efficient building technologies. 

Instructor: Sarah Truitt, Madeline Salzman, Zachary Peterson, & Clint Shireman

Help! I Need Somebody Workforce Woes, Work Arounds, and What Abouts

The need for housing is rising across the country with home buyer demand far outpacing supply in most markets. Join us to see how some high-performance home builders are tackling the problem head-on with training programs for young workers and creative approaches to finding and keeping good subs and staff. You'll also hear about government initiatives that could help. 

Instructor: David Kendall, Ryan Hillgartner, Rick Wertheim, Marye Hefty, Theresa Gilbride
CEUs: 1 LU AIA, 1 BPI, 1 NAHB, 1 NARI, and 1 RESNET credits

Linking Advanced Building and Workforce to Careers/Programs

This class is intended for students, entry-level workers, or people experienced in the home building industry looking for career path advancement options. The class explores various career paths, using career map tools intended to explain various options for people interested in careers in innovative, high-performance home construction. Attendees will be introduced to basic building science concepts, as well as a variety of career path examples. The class will establish a link between innovative building practices and career advancement options.

Instructor: Sam Bowles

Resilient Homes Need to Be Built by Resilient People

The construction industry is on the top of a list that no one wants to be on---completed suicides. Our goal in this session is to go upstream and get real comfortable talking about mental health in the industry and use the speaker's personal story to weave this narrative. We will discuss risk factors and warning signs for suicide prevention and look at ways to let your people know that you care.

Instructor: Dennis Gillan

Site Supervisor Designation: Modules

The EEBA Site Supervisor Designation covers how the knowledge, processes, and best practices gained from building science apply to site supervisors for residential construction projects.

Instructor: Theresa Gilbride, Rick Wertheim
CEUs: 4.5 LU AIA, 2.25 BPI, & 3 RESNET credits

The House that SHE Built - providing scholarships for women in construction through a 2021 Parade Ho

The Utah Chapter of the NAHB Professional Women in Building began work last year to design and build a home that will be showcased in the 2021 Utah Valley Parade of Homes. The goal for this home is to highlight and utilize women professionals, skilled tradeswomen, and woman-owned companies for all stages of the project. The proceeds from the sale of the home following the Parade will be divided between scholarships, women-run charities, and future home projects like The House That SHE Built. In this session, we'll share the story of this project and its impact on the local community and future generations of women in building.

Instructor: Jennie Tanner
CEUs: 1 LU AIA, 1 BPI, 1 NAHB, 1 NARI, and 1 RESNET credits

Workforce Development and the Importance of Recruiting a Diverse Workforce

Corporate America is at a crossroads, says McKinsey & Company in its Women in the Workplace 2020 study. The choices companies make today will have consequences on gender equality for decades. And when you think of an industry dominated by men, construction might be among the first to come to mind. After all, of the people working in construction, women comprise only about 11 percent. Even smaller is the number of women on the front lines of a job site—only one for every 100 employees in the field, according to the Women in Construction: The State of the Industry in 2021 by BigRentz.

Instructor: Lakisha Ann Woods
CEUs: 1 LU AIA, 1 BPI, 1 NAHB, 1 NARI, and 1 RESNET credits

Zero Energy

A Conversation About Building Zero Energy Homes

In this podcast style live conversation, Join Justin Wilson and Gord Cooke (Construction Instruction), Robby Schwarz (BUILDTank), Bill Rectanus (Thrive Home Builders), and Seth Hart as we discuss the current state of Zero Energy Homes. Skip the PowerPoint and enjoy this conversation where we wrestle with how to make zero energy homes mainstream homes.

Instructor: Gord Cooke, Justin Wilson, Bill Rectanus, Robby Schwarz, Seth Hart
CEUs: 1 LU|HSW AIA, 1 BPI, 1 NAHB, 1 NARI, and 1 RESNET credits

A Cost-Effective Path to Healthy, Affordable, Net Zero Housing with DOE’s ZER Program

In this presentation, we’ll show how affordable home builders like United Way of Long Island, along with production, custom, and multifamily builders across the country, are building healthy, durable, energy-efficient homes that are achieving remarkably high performance and low Home Energy Rating System scores – with a program average of HERS 43 without PV and HERS 6 with PV.

Instructor: Terrence Mosley, Rick Wertheim, & Theresa Gilbride

All Electric & Fossil Fuel Free: The Ultimate Z.E.N. Home

As climate change drives code advancement, learn how the Ultimate Z.E.N. Home eliminates the use of fossil fuels in a production-built home. 

Instructor: Rich Binsacca, Jack Armstrong, Sam Rashkin, Karla Butterfield, & Bill Rectanus

Beyond Net Zero – What’s Next?

This final webinar in the series pulls it all together, discussing where do we need to go from here? It introduces some new concepts, looks at disruptive technology challenges, as well as the broader view beyond NZ. We conclude with the question "Why build the 100-year home?"

Instructor: Doug Tarry

Carbon Neutral Operations and Maintenance, the Changing Federal Reporting Requirements

Join us for a Case Study of a Multifamily Energy Star Building and learn about the Carbon Neutral Operations and Maintenance Certification Process before the New Federal Requirements were enacted.

Instructor: Peter Skornia and George Sullivan

DOE Zero Energy Ready Homes and the Year Ahead

"Zero Energy Ready Homes" have grown from a niche product unfamiliar to many, to a standard offering in the marketplace found in codes, stretch codes, and many utility and affordable housing programs. But we're still in the early stages of the journey to zero. The DOE Zero Energy Ready Homes program is moving to Version 2 in 2022, which will incorporate more proven innovations and establish ZERH as the jumping off point for net zero performance. At the same time, Zero Energy Ready Homes have reached a new high with major commitments from large production builders, affordable housing developers, and military housing projects. Finally, the program is launching the ZERH-Multifamily spec in 2022 to serve as the next step for Energy Star Multifamily New Construction builders. During this session we invite you to learn more about these exciting program advancements and share your input and questions.

Instructor: Eric Werling, Jaime Van Mourik
CEUs: 1 LU AIA, 1 BPI, 1 NAHB, 1 NARI, and 1 RESNET credits

Health in the Ultimate Z.E.N. Home

The Ultimate Z.E.N. Home is designed to set a new standard for health in the home. Learn about EPA Indoor airPLUS and how the Ultimate Z.E.N. Home builds on this foundation to address COVID, with whole house HEPA filtration and optimum humidity to shorten the life of the pathogen on surfaces.

Instructor: Rich Binsacca, Bill Rectanus, Nick Hurst, Joseph Hillenmeyer, & Russell Pope

Heat Pump Water Heaters in the All-Electric Home - Builders share their experience

  • Installing HPWHs in new, all-electric homes.
  • Why builders are installing and love HPWH.
  • What are the benefits and challenges of installing HPWH in new homes? 
  • Are builders modifying their home designs to fit and take advantage of HPWH?
  • What are homeowners saying when they buy homes with HPWHs? 
  • Any lessons that can be applied to installing HPWHs in existing homes?
Instructor: Juan Fernandez, Leigha Dickens, Geoff Wickes

High Performance Zero Energy Home Design

High performance zero energy homes provide many benefits including cost savings, energy resiliency, durability, comfort, and sustainable operation. While these types of homes have been built for a long time, the knowledge of how to build them has historically been kept by few. Now with increasingly stringent building codes across the U.S., driven by long-term energy policy and growing demands on the energy grid, all builders and implementers need to know how to build high performance. 

Instructor: Alea German

How to Cost-Effectively Build Zero Energy Homes

In order to earn the EEBA Zero Energy Building Professional Designation, one must take and pass:

  • Houses That Work
  • High Performance Mechanicals
  • HERS Associate

PLUS this course, How to Cost-Effectively Build Zero Energy Homes

Instructor: Bruce Sullivan

How to Cut Your Heating & Electric Bill and Carbon Footprint to Zero, by Someone Who Has Done It

This free webinar will help you to save a lot of money and cut your carbon footprint. In addition, all attendees will receive a free electronic version of David Green's highly-acclaimed book Zero Carbon Home.

Instructor: David Green

Inspiring Homebuyers and Building Owners to Demand Net-Zero Energy and Zero Emission Homes/Buildings

Net-zero energy and zero emission homes/buildings are being built ALL across the U.S., and yet so many buyers either don’t know this level of performance, including optimized comfort and minimized maintenance, is within their grasp. Our panelists on this episode are helping to dispel these misunderstandings.

Instructor: Paul Kriescher, Paul Hutton, David Takahashi

Lessons from Zero Energy Ready Home Builders

This presentation lays out a path to net zero energy home construction offered by the DOE Zero Energy Ready Home program.

Instructor: Theresa Gilbride, Terrence Mosley, Joe Nebbia

Net Zero Energy and Battery Storage in the Ultimate Z.E.N. Home

The Ultimate Z.E.N. Home features a 7.8 kWh rooftop solar array as a standard feature to help achieve net-zero energy goals. But instead of selling surplus electricity back to the local utility as energy credits, an innovative battery storage system scaled for single-family keeps it on site.

Instructor: Rich Binsacca, Sam Rashkin, Bill Rectanus, Adam Weinstein, Dennis Helblig, & Nathan Kahre

Next Gen Zero

During this session, we’ll review potential updates to program specs that would deliver meaningful, cost-effective improvements in energy efficiency, building performance, and resilience. Join us for a look at the exciting future for housing. It keeps getting better.

Instructor: Sam Rashkin, Jamie Lyons

Reno on Rockridge Case Study

This 1924 Colonial home had fallen into severe disrepair before coming up for sale. As part of the muchneeded renovation, the new homeowners (two Steven Winter Associates, Inc. employees) wanted to eliminate onsite combustion and produce as much of their operating electricity as possible. Other goals included lower embodied energy materials and a healthy indoor environment. LEED v4.1 for Homes offered one platform to address energy, health, and materials. The home was gutted down to the foundation, framing, and floors before the year-long renovation. After the first 8 months of occupancy (July-February), the home produced 14% more energy than it consumed.

Instructor: Aaron Smith, Maureen Mahle, Steve Klocke

Revolutionizing Clean Energy Design in Residential Buildings

Join sonnen and EEBA for a presentation on how new smart, energy management technology is revolutionizing residential design and enabling a cleaner, more sustainable energy future. 

Instructor: Geoff Ferrell

Sales & Marketing of the Ultimate Z.E.N Home

The Ultimate Z.E.N. Home is designed to meet the challenges of healthy living, working and learning from home, carbon free living, net zero energy and battery energy storage. This session covers how the home responds to the COVID home buyer’s desire for safety and security while living in a state-of-the-art home.

Instructor: Rich Binsacca & Panelists

Smart Plumbing and Controls Enable Zero Energy Homes- Saving the World One House at a Time™

This session will provide different examples of hot water distribution including Home Automation technologies and applications that can help support zero energy home objectives. We will be showing examples of designs and tests that have been completed over the last 15 years proving the savings of water/energy in residential and commercial buildings. We will be interviewing two Sustainable builders who have installed D’MAND KONTROLS for several years and get their view point on this and other factors to consider in building Zero Energy Homes.

Instructor: Jay Epstein, Darrel McMaster, Larry Acker

Voice of the Builder: DOE Zero Energy Ready Home Builders Share their Secrets for Cost-Effective Hig

Zero Energy Ready Homes can save a bundle for their home owners and they don’t have to break the bank for home builders either. This presentation includes lessons learned from builders across the country who are building award-winning production, custom, affordable, and multi-family homes that achieve remarkably high performance levels, in some cases at little extra cost compared to code construction.

Instructor: Theresa L. Gilbride, Terrence Mosley

What is a High-Performance Home and How to Consistently Deliver It at Lower Cost

Once homebuyers purchase new homes often based on infatuation with community and design, bad home performance experiences can negate all the hard work earning customer satisfaction. It is critical to get high-performance right. This course begins that process with lessons-learned from decades of experience as a residential architect and work with thousands of home builders while serving as national director for ENERGY STAR Certified Home and Zero Energy Ready Home. The resulting framework for high performance homes includes five key strategies and over 40 best practices for applying them with substantial cost savings. Most importantly, this framework has been intensively researched, vetted, and refined over five years with hundreds of housing industry executives. The goal is not to dogmatically impose one solution for all, but to engage housing professionals to high-performance as a journey and how to get on their own path. 

Instructor: Sam Rashkin

What's Next for High Performance Homes?

This panel will introduce the EEBA / ProBuilder Ultimate ZEN All Electric Home and discuss its key features, the hurdles encountered, and key points of buyer acceptance. This will lead into a discussion on what is next in high performance building, ways to get there, and an example of one unique builder and energy rater partnership designed to take on the question of "What's next and how do we get there?"

Instructor: Bill Rectanus, Steve Byers, Seth Hart, Sandy Stegall, David Kendall
CEUs: 1 LU AIA, 1 BPI, 1 NAHB, 1 NARI, and 1 RESNET credits

Zer0 Place - Making Net Zero Energy Mainstream

Zer0 Place is a net-zero, mixed-use development with 46 residential units, including affordable and accessible units, as well as retail space. Designed to provide a community of “zero energy living,” this NY State Building of Excellence award winner is intended to meet LEED, DOE Zero Energy Ready Home, EPA Indoor airPlus, and Energy Star requirements and will deliver zero energy bills for residents.

Instructor: Anthony Aebi, David Shepler

Zero Energy Ready on a Production Scale

Many builders are attracted to the idea of building zero energy homes. However, there is an unspoken presumption that these homes really only pencil out for custom-home money-is-no-object clients or possibly, as heavily subsidized affordable home demonstration projects. In this presentation, Kevin Brozyna shares how, despite a year marked by skyrocketing materials costs and supply chain and labor shortages, this successful production builder has managed to turn a profit while sticking to their company's high zero energy performance and quality goals. Kevin is joined by Terrence Mosley of DOE and Terri Gilbride of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, who will provide an overview of the DOE Zero Energy Ready Home program and share construction best practices from DOE Zero Energy Ready Home Housing Innovation Award winners in every construction category from production to custom for buyer, custom spec, multifamily, affordable, and attached.

Instructor: Kevin Brozyna, Theresa Gilbride, Terrence Mosley
CEUs: 1 LU AIA, 1 BPI, 1 NAHB, 1 NARI, and 1 RESNET credits