Electrification & Decarbonization Courses

The EEBA Academy provides a flexible and convenient way for the world's best high performance builders and their partners to come together to learn about building science and advances in sustainably constructing better homes. Learn more about the Academy here.

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Below is a sample of Electrification & Decarbonization courses available on the EEBA Academy:
* Create a free Talent LMS Account to take courses. Have questions? Reach out to: gabrielle@eeba.org

Take Control of Your Electricity Bills with Home Energy Storage

There are hundreds of technologies available on the market today that are designed to "green" your home. However, a new market is emerging that takes home energy management to the next level: energy storage. 

Instructor: Aric Saunders

How to Cut Your Heating & Electric Bill and Carbon Footprint to Zero, by Someone Who Has Done It

This free webinar will help you to save a lot of money and cut your carbon footprint. In addition, all attendees will receive a free electronic version of David Green's highly-acclaimed book Zero Carbon Home.

Instructor: David Green

Net Zero Energy and Battery Storage in the Ultimate Z.E.N. Home

The Ultimate Z.E.N. Home features a 7.8 kWh rooftop solar array as a standard feature to help achieve net-zero energy goals. But instead of selling surplus electricity back to the local utility as energy credits, an innovative battery storage system scaled for single-family keeps it on site.

Instructor: Rich Binsacca, Sam Rashkin, Bill Rectanus, Adam Weinstein, Dennis Helblig, & Nathan Kahre

Plug In, Turn On & Cook Up: Electric Kitchens Have Arrived!

Confusion about all-electric building codes and cooking options got you turned off? Get plugged in to an empowering event with code-clarifying, myth-busting details that will turn you on to electric cooking for life with better cooking performance, safer, healthier homes and a sustainable planet.

Instructor: Rachelle Boucher, Karla Butterfield, & Aaron Smith
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