Wellborn Cabinet has been an industry leader in taking care of the environment for nearly 60 years. Wellborn Cabinet, as a part of the Green Choice program, guarantees a product that is made with both the American worker in mind by manufacturing cabinets made in the USA as well as preserving the country where they are produced. It is and has been Wellborn Cabinet’s corporate-wide goal to fully incorporate leading environmental practices, policies, and standards throughout our process — from our suppliers through final delivery to our customers.
To learn more about Wellborn Cabinet and request product information, visit wellborn.com.
From the start of the process, nothing at Wellborn Cabinet is wasted in the manufacturing process. When the raw logs come in the bark and sawdust are used as fuel for our kilns to dry the lumber and supply steam for the paint and stain processes. All the way to delivery, fuel emissions are monitored for optimal performance from our owned and operated transportation fleet.
Wellborn’s Environmental Belief Statement
It is Wellborn Cabinet, Inc.’s corporate-wide goal to fully incorporate leading environmental practices, policies, and standards throughout our enterprise — from our suppliers through final delivery to our customers. Our environmental responsibility has extended to include selecting, educating, and embracing suppliers based on their commitment to similar environmental practices, including the use of sustainable or recycled raw materials as well as low emission products.

Green Choice is About Taking Action
Environmental stewardship has been part of Wellborn’s culture since the beginning. This responsibility has always been about more than just words and has been proven through decades of actions, investments, and practices. The Green Choice program ensures that you are purchasing a brand of cabinets from a company that takes conscious steps to protect and minimize the overall impact on our environment. At Wellborn, we have recycling programs that utilize wood waste to generate power and steam and continue to lower VOC emissions through technology. We partner with our suppliers to improve their environmental programs. You will find the Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association’s (KCMA) Environmental Stewardship Program seal proudly displayed on our cabinetry. The Green Choice program ensures that you are purchasing cabinetry from a company that takes conscious steps to protect and minimize the overall impact on the environment.
Wellborn Cabinet continuously searches for new technologies and processes to improve our sustainability practices. We will continue to partner with our suppliers and industry associations in a joint effort to embrace the changes necessary and ensure that we all have a healthier environment. Wellborn Cabinet’s demonstrated commitment to environmental stewardship offers our consumers the assurance that the cabinets they buy are the Green Choice for generations of family and the environment.
Composite Wood Products
To this point, the composite wood products used in the construction of Wellborn and Estate cabinetry comply with phase 2 of the California Air Resources Boards Airborne Toxic Control Measure emissions standards 93120-9312012.12 title 17. The CARB ATCM currently has the most stringent formaldehyde regulations for composite wood products in the world. These composite wood products include hardwood, plywood, particleboard, and medium density fiberboard. Wellborn Cabinet is committed to supporting CARB Phase 2, which began implementation in 2010.
Wellborn Cabinet, Inc. purchases particleboard and MDF composite materials certified under the Composite Panel Association’s Eco-Certified Composites (ECC). An ECC Certified Product must meet at least 3 of the following requirements:
- Ensure a balanced carbon footprint by using a CAP carbon calculator
- 85% locally sourced
- Use a minimum of 75% recycled or recovered fiber; or at least 50% recycled recovered fiber and a minimum of 5% post-consumer fiber
- Document that greater than 97% fiber furnish brought on-site to manufacture panels is either
Wellborn Cabinet’s Natural Gas Savings = Heat for 5,124 Homes for One Year
Wellborn Cabinet utilizes steam from wood fires co-generation plant in our dry kilns, heating ovens, and paint room. This process saves approximately 300,000 (MCF) cubic feet of natural gas annually, a nonrenewable resource, by using collected wood shavings.
To learn more about Wellborn Cabinet and request product information, visit wellborn.com.
Since 1995, Wellborn Cabinet has reduced boiler air emissions 50% lower than required by state and EPA regulations through the installation of an Electrostatic Precipitation (ESP) Unit.
Lowering VOC Emissions
Wellborn Cabinet, Inc. is continuously working with our finish supplier, Valspar Inc., to formulate our finishes and reduce their impact on the environment.
In addition to this practice, Wellborn Cabinet has acquired a second high-solid ultraviolet coating machine, which seals our product using 100% solid particles, further reducing volatile compounds.
Transportation Fleet
With the implementation of our new People Net satellite vehicle monitoring system, which monitors all operating characteristics including fuel economy and maintenance requirements, our fleet fuel economy has improved over 18% in the past year. Diesel emissions in our truck fleet have been reduced by the application of two new techniques. The newest tractors feature an Auxiliary Power Unit (APU). This feature eliminates unnecessary truck idling and, most importantly, lowers fuel usage and emissions. All new tractors are specked with these units. Secondly, drivers that do not have an APU will take advantage of IDLEAIRE, a great technology located at truck stops throughout the U.S. Drivers are encouraged to plan their stops at these locations where they can shut off their engines and hook up to a unit that provides heat, aire, television, and the internet. By doing so, drivers are decreasing their impact on the environment.
Wellborn Cabinet’s environmental responsibility extends to the internal day to day activities of each employee. Office paper is collected throughout the plant to minimize landfill waste. Aluminum cans are collected from break areas to provide local recycling companies the opportunities to continually process the suable aluminum. Ink and toner cartridges are also gathered from units for recycling. All paper, cardboard, and related products are utilized or clean power generation. Also, a “Pop Tab” program is effective in providing for charities that use them for a great cause.
Green Initiative
Wellborn Cabinet, Inc. was chosen to participate in the Greenhaven Home in Atlanta because of its commitment to the environment. Greenhaven is a model for green building and sustainable design.

Eco-Certified Composite Sustainability Standard
With the Eco-Certified Composite (ECC) Sustainability Standard, you can be assured that Wellborn Cabinet’s composite wood panels are among the greenest products available for architectural, construction, and consumer products.
The ECC certification delivers verifiable evidence of greenness, demonstrating compliance in three of five categories including carbon footprint, local and renewable resources, recycled/recovered content, sustainability, and wood sourcing through a recognized standard.

KCMA Environmental Stewardship Program Certification
Wellborn Cabinet endorses the industry-wide efforts and commitment of the KCMA organization and its Environmental Stewardship Program (ESP). The ESP certification program establishes a standard measurable benchmark for environmental performance. This certification validates our performance to adhere to high standards for air quality, product resource management, process resource management, environmental stewardship, and community relations. You will find the KCMA Environmental Stewardship Program seal proudly displayed on our cabinetry. The ESP program provides the only standards for manufacturers in the Kitchen & Bath cabinet industry that truly defines and measures the holistic environmental performance of a manufacturing enterprise -- not just its finished cabinets.
The KCMA’s Environmental Stewardship Program has been named as the benchmark for cabinets by the National Association of Home Builders’ ANSI-approved Green Building Standard™.
Points toward ESP certification are awarded based on compliance in the following categories:
- Air Quality
- Product Resource Management
- Process Resource Management
- Environmental Stewardship
- Community Relations.
Wellborn Cabinet, Inc., along with our affiliate operations, are fully certified under this program. In looking to the future, Wellborn Cabinet, Inc. has committed to recertify annually as the program adopts new industry standards and practice.

To learn more about Wellborn Cabinet and request product information, visit wellborn.com.